Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy New Year is on the Way

A New Year is around the corner and 2012 is almost past. However fast or slow this year has gone, a whole new, fresh start is about to take place.

Make plans to bring in the New Year on Navarre Beach. Watch the moon rise over the Gulf waters and reminisce, or plan for the future. Navarre Beach awaits you.

And to bring in the New Year - participate in Navarre Beach's Penguin Plunge and Paddle. The Penguin Plunge and Paddle is hosted by Juana's Pagoda each year. At noon, participants will make a mad dash into the Sound waters and make an equally quick dash out - depending on the coolness of the water.  Also, they host a Paddle Board competition.

For those less bold souls, you can still register to enjoy the festivities without having to face the elements. Registration allows you to enjoy the free fun, warm drinks - like hot cocoa - and receive a participant T-shirt. All money earned will be donated to Fisher House of the Emerald Coast.

Wishing you and yours a Happy and Blessed New Years!

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