Thursday, December 1, 2011

Navarre Beach needs your input...

Yesterday Navarre had a meeting to invite ideas as to how to best utilize the Beach park at the Eastern end of the island. The Tourism Development Council is interested in different ideas for food or entertainment.

Currently based in the park is our own Marine Science Station which provides Spring and Summer camps for locals and their children but also visiting guests. The station provides hands on learning so that children of all ages can learn more about the creatures living in our Gulf waters.

But this station just takes up a little part of the Beach park. Here at Navarre Vacation Rentals, we are wanting to know what are your suggestions? Would you like to see more restaurants? Would you want to see an entertainment center - mini golf, conference center, etc.

So you as our visitors, what would you like to see on Navarre Beach? We look forward to your thoughts.

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